Category Archives: Photo exhibition

タコに関するミニトーク Mini talk on octopus

After beach clean activity at Sasao Beach, we proceeded to Soka Gakkai Training Dojo to enjoy the full bloom sakura.
There, I presented a mini talk on octopus, displaying three photos that I took.
Enjoyed the event very much as the participants all listened very attentively.

庵治わいマルシェ Aji-wai Maiche 2024/03/24

Participated in the ‘Aji-wai Maiche’ today.
‘Beautiful fish’ underwater photo exhibition and Shakuhachi BGM…
Despite the rain, many people came.
Was thrilled to have met many people, and making so many new friends.

うみまち商店街写真展示 Takamatsu Sea & Sun Market photo exhibition

置かせていただいていたコメント用のスケッチブックを見てみると、なんと、環境清掃活動の仲間たちMariko Tanakaさん Fujio Yamadaさんからの応援お言葉が書かれてありました。サンキュー!
Was lucky to be able to put up a photo exhibition at the Takamatsu Sea & Sun Market from 29th October to 1st December 2023.
I did not look at the comments from visitors until a few days ago.
Was very delighted to see a message of support from two friends (Mariko Tanaka san & Fujio Yamada san) who are very active in environmental cleanup activities. Thank you!!

さぬき市役所本庁市民ホールで「美魚」写真展示 ‘Beautiful fish’ photo exhibition held at Sanuki City Hall

‘Beautiful fish’ photo exhibition held at Sanuki City Hall, from today, 24th October to 22nd November 2023. This exhibition is made possible through the kind support of Sanuki City Education Bureau and many individuals. If you are nearby, come for a look.

庵治わいマルシェに参加 Took part in Aji Marche

Took part in the Aji Marche.
As usual, exhibited my underwater photos and played the Shakuhachi.
Made many new friends and enjoyed the day very much.

Aji Wai Satoumi Bus Tour in Heart Museum 庵治わい里海バスツアーin歯ART美術館

Aji Wai Satoumi Bus Tour in Heart Museum
~Charm of hometown ❤️ Journey of discovery and environmental learning~

Had a wonderful time participating in a wide ranging event organized by the Takamatsu City Division of Environment. The location was Heart Musuem, where my underwater photos are being exhibited.
About 50 participants arrived by a chartered bus from the city center.
Seventeen of them were young children, the youngest being 5 years of age, and the older ones were high school kids.
Other participants were adults, some of them guardians of the kids.

Morita-san kicked off the event with a talk on marine garbage at Seto Inland Sea.
My buddies, Nakanishi-san, Mizobuchi-san, and Yuasa-san followed with talks on Aji town, beach cleaning at Aji Peninsula, and fun activities at Aji Peninsula.
A delicious lunch pack was prepared by the the Aji Chapter for Food and Dietary Lifestyle Improvement Promotion Council, using ingredients sourced from local vendors.

After lunch, yours truly was honored to have the opportunity to talk for 50 minutes on ‘Beautiful Fishes’ of Aji Peninsula, which is part of the Seto Naikai National Park.

The event closed with some beach cleaning under the hot blazing sun. All in all, a truly well organized, and fun-filled event. Thank you so much to every one involved, especially the main organizer Uzuoka Shiho.

Photo credits to Uzuoka Shiho, Nakanishi Syogo, and Yoshimura Susumu.


今回も瀬戸内に暮らす私たちにとって最も身近な環境問題である『海洋プラスチックごみ』について学んでいただく講座とビーチクリーンアップ、マイクロプラスチック調査の講師を森田 桂治さんに、また庵治の魅力を知って頂くための『庵治講座』については庵治のまちづくりの中心人物である中西 省吾さん溝渕 誠さんに、また初の試みとして、百聞は一見にしかずで地域の魅力を参加者の皆さん〜更には世界中の皆さんに知っていただくための庵治のプロモーション動画の作成を湯浅 良太さんにお願いしました。
更に、香川大学のLrong Lim先生も瀬戸内スノーケラーとして、庵治沖で観察出来る美しい生き物『美魚』のお話や水中で撮影した作品展の鑑賞&解説をしていただき、瀬戸内の水中の楽しみをご紹介頂いたり、毎回恒例で地元の旬の食材を使ったお弁当を地域の方に作って頂くのですが、今回は庵治地区の食生活改善推進協議会の皆さんに庵治の山と海の幸たっぷりのとっても美味しいお弁当を作って頂き、メニューや郷土料理のご紹介もしていただきました。

Underwater photo exhibition ‘Gifts from the sea’ (HA-ART MUSEUM Newsletter)

In a way, this is a dream come true. Never in my entire life would I dare to dream of such a thing happening. While I have already exhibited my underwater photos about a dozen times over the last two years, this is the first time (collaborating with a diving instructor) for me to do so in an establised art musuem. Quite a milestone, I must humbly say… and an honor indeed, I must add…

ウミカラノオクリモノ ~水中写真展示会~ Gifts from the sea ~Underwater photograph exhibition~

ウミカラノオクリモノ ~水中写真展示会~
フォトグラファー:廣瀬早希、ロン リム

Gifts from the sea ~Underwater photograph exhibition~
Venue: Heart Museum (Aji-cho, Kagawa Prefecture)(
Exhibition period: 2nd June (Fri) ~ 28th July (Sun) 2023
Photographers: Hirose Saki, Lrong Lim
If you are nearby, please come by to take a look!

さか枝うどん屋さんで水中写真展示 Underwater photo exhibition at Sakaeda Udon shop

With much gratitude to the owner of Sakaeda Udon shop, yours truly is putting up an underwater photo exhibition which started from February 2023. The plan is to change the photos once every two months. Do come by to enjoy the udon and look the photos.